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Practice Makes Progress: A Choose Your Own Adventure Approach to Self-Determination and Decision Making

What is Self-Determination? What is Supportive Decision Making? Is this confusing? Join us for a 2 part session with breakouts to help you empower your person to be a self-advocate. Wednesdays May 24 and May 31 6-7:30pm.

Presenter Joshua Young, Director of Operations and a person with lived experience. Ohio Network for Innovation.

Description of each presentation (2).

1. May 24 2023 6-7:30pm In our first presentation Teens and their supporters will learn about self-determination and why it’s important. Then, we’ll look at some ways to gain more self-determination in our lives.

2. May 31, 2023 6-7:30pm In our second presentation we will use the ideas we learned about and practice making decisions by using gamification (playing games to learn). Teens will work with supporters to navigate decisions in a fictional setting. Finally, we’ll talk about ways we can use our new skills in real life.

Agenda Specifics:

Session 1

A. Intro

B. Self-Determination Definition

a. Control

b. Capability

c. Connections

C. Tools & Resources

a. One-Pager (Self-Awareness)

b. Goal Plan

D. Real Life Examples

E. Summary & Questions/Feedback

Session 2

A. Intro & Review

B. Decision-Making

1. SODAS Method

C. Using Games to Learn

1. Desert Island

2. Who Wants to be a Decision-Maker

3. Choose Your Own Adventure

D. Summary & Questions/Feedback

Reasonable Accommodations must be requested 5 days before each meeting. Contact Deb Petermann 615-575-8055

Sponsored by The Center for Disability Empowerment.

Free Registration.

May 24

Supporting Youth with DD- Practice Makes Progress- A choose your own adventure approach to self-determination and decision making

May 25

BDDS Building Bridges