This workshop will share a toolbox of interventions and supports that help autistic students meet their limitless potential. Following the structure of the Transition Checklist, attendees will learn how to do the following: (a) develop a plan that easily communicates what the student needs for success; (b) establish a classroom structure that minimizes student meltdowns; (c) teach skills that are often not taught, but are essential to life success; and (d) transition autistic students from grade to grade, ensuring that future teachers understand the student and how they are to be supported. The strategies Brenda will share will be applicable for students in elementary through high school, in special education and general education, with a range of abilities.
At the end of session, attendees will be able to:
Describe strategies that complement the autistic neurology.
Discuss interventions that provide structure and reduce the potential for behavior challenges.
Complete an easy-to-use method of keeping track of the interventions and supports that each student needs.
Who Should Attend?
This workshop is designed for general and special education teachers, administrators, autism and behavior consultants, speech therapists, psychologists, counselors, and families.
Cost & Registration
The registration fee for this workshop is $110.00 (USD). Autism Leaders and Behavior Consultants will receive a code shared on the listservs for a reduced rate of $90.00 (USD).
Payment is by credit card or purchase order only.
You will receive an email acknowledgement of payment—that email is your confirmation and receipt. Please keep it for your records and reimbursement purposes.
All registrations are final. No money will be refunded.
Sponsored by Indiana Resource Center for Autism and Avon Community School Corporation
Registration ($110).