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Finally Home: Stories and Lessons Learned from Pennsylvania’s Housing Demonstration Project

For many people, finding and making a home of their own is a key turning point in their lives. From this point, other life goals begin or expand, such as starting or building a career, nurturing a family, or being a part of their neighborhood or community. In short, many people define their quality of life first by where and with whom they choose to live. However, this is often not the case for many people with disabilities who use Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), despite funding and policy mandates to ensure one’s housing is separate from services.

In 2018, the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council funded projects to change this and to compel systemic change through individual experiences that demonstrate the power of resources being directed by the person with the guidance and support they need to find and make a home of their own. This webinar will feature people with lived experience and the professionals who support them sharing their stories and highlighting challenges and the importance of collaboration. Panelists hope to spark ongoing discussion and shared learning about the shift from provider owned and managed housing.

Join NCAPPS for an interactive session on one state's journey to ensure people with intellectual and developmental disabilities find their way home.

NCAPPS webinars include ASL interpretation, live English captions, and live Spanish interpretation. If you require any additional accommodations, please contact Saska Rajcevic (

Sponsored by NCAAPS.

Free Registration.

April 12

NEON April CoP: Effective Approaches to Benefits Planning

April 12

Resource Connect: Caregiving Treasures in Our Own Backyard